How to disable apache2 startup script on debian ?

If you need to have the apache2 debian package installed but you don't need to have the apache2 daemon started at boot time, there is a solution: rcconf

sudo apt-get install rcconf
sudo rcconf

Then you can choose in the list the services you need to startup at boot time. This trick applies for every debian services (apache2, mysql, ntp, ssh …).


ndnd, 2009/10/28 10:05

I tryed it on Debian Lenny by

1. Renaming the link in /etc/rc2.d from S… to K…

2. Using rcconf

3. Using chkconfig

But I'm not able to disable Apache 2 automatic startup after a reboot. The same with cron worked for me (with chkconfig). What else can I do?

jeje, 2013/09/04 10:36

this command worked for me : sudo update-rc.d -f apache2 remove

sudo is very important otherwise update-rc.d script will not be found.


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